Thursday, May 30, 2013

Legacy: Through the Eyes of A Child

The month of March, I have to say, was one of the most incredible months of my entire career as a photographer! On March 1st, the debut of my first photography exhibit "Legacy: Through the Eyes of A Child" debuted at the 92Y Tribeca Gallery. Originally "Legacy" was supposed to only be a 3-day run, but the gallery loved the entire project so much they invited me to extend it for the entire month of March, fully curated. It's the first time an artist has had a fully curated, SOLO exhibition run for an entire month at the 92Y! And the truth is, in the New York City fine art world, many artists don't get the opportunity to have solo exhibits at all. They're often shared with other artists to fill a space, and if they do happen to be able to get a gallery completely to themselves, it's not usually an exhibit that lasts for more than a week--and even that's a stretch at times!

The fine art world is a tough one to break in to, especially with photography, and especially coming from a fashion/commercial photography background. I can't express how grateful I am for the opportunity, and also for the amazing success of the exhibit. So, in case you're not sure what "Legacy: Through the Eyes of A Child" is about, it's a series of photographs that pays homage to African-American icons whom have contributed significantly to our country, our people, and the world throughout history. As I've mentioned in interviews and to various persons who've asked about it, "Legacy" is not a "Black History" project! It's more-so about honoring these people and the legacies they've all left, or are leaving, behind. They are not to be celebrated just one month out of the year. They're amazing and incredible people whose accomplishments deserve to be honored all throughout the year! When I created the first photo in this series three years ago it was just an idea that came to me. I couldn't explain why I decided to shoot a child, but by the time I decided to create a complete series called "Legacy", I knew I wanted the entire project to be all children. They actually inspire me a great deal. I think we can all remember being kids and how we used our imaginations to be somewhere or someone else--we were free! And that's really what Legacy is--children captured in the innocent moments of their imagination that show them in a place or as a person of historical importance that, in some way, moves or inspires them...and really, inspires us all. I've done quite a few magazine interviews over the course of the month, and I could go on typing about "Legacy", but I thought it might be cooler to share with you a video/TV interview I did with the magazine/TV News program, Corporate Profiles. The ladies behind this show are so cool and awesome. They made this experience very comfortable and memorable for me. So check out right here!

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